GPC-3 hydro

Generator paralleling controller

The GPC-3 hydro is a flexible and compact generator paralleling controller designed to be either the only controller in the system or to operate in conjunction with a PLC.

GPU 3 Hydro Front
GPU 3 Hydro Front

The GPC-3 hydro is a flexible and compact generator paralleling controller designed to be either the only controller in the system or to operate in conjunction with a PLC.

Especially suited as a single controller solution for micro and mini hydro plants, the GPC-3 hydro also serves as a generator controller working as a slave for a power station PLC on hydro plants using digital communication.

The GPC-3 hydro is a multifunction component and offers all functions needed for a modern hydro turbine generator controller. GPC- 3 hydro contains completeprotections, measurements and turbine control and protection and can communicate with all PLC and SCADA systems. The GPC-3 hydro displays values andalarms on a LCD screen. 

DEIF’s M-Logic configuration tool supports easy application customisation and enables you to dedicate specific functions or logic conditions to different inputs and outputs. 

If you require remote control, supervision and status indication, additional display units and additionaloperator panels (AOPs) as well as graphical displays are easily installed.

Type                 Item number

GPC-3 Hydro   2912010050

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