New German grid protection - Part 1/2 (DE) Webinar

Missed our New German Grid Protection webinar part 1/2? Watch now! Learn about compliance with European grid code NC RfG and DEIF solutions for your system

European grid code NC RfG webinar

Did you miss out on our webinar New German grid protection - part 1-2? Well, you’re in luck. We recorded everything for your convenience!

To watch the webinar, simply fill out the below form and click “Watch now”.

In order to comply with the European grid code NC RfG, the German grid protection guidelines for generating plants were adapted. This means that all generators and mains protection systems must be operated in accordance with the new regulations no later than one year after they come into force. In this webinar we will inform you about the most important news of the German grid protection and how you can implement the requirements in your system with the help of DEIF solutions.

We present the new grid protection regulations for your mains parallel system, which you have to meet in Germany since May 2019. We'll also introduce you to a DEIF solution that complies with the upcoming regulations and keeps you updated.

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