Getting started with DEIF Insight


Insight demonstration

Getting started with DEIF Insight, session 1

Did you miss out on our webinar getting started with DEIF Insight? Well, you’re in luck. We recorded everything for your convenience!

To watch the webinar, simply fill out the below form and click “Watch now”.

Check out this free webinar on Insight – a remote monitoring service that gives you instant access to your gensets from anywhere. 

This intro session one gives you a demonstration of how to get started with DEIF Insight (30 minutes).

Insight is very intuitive and user-friendly, but it can still be daunting to start from zero.

In this first session, we will give you a quick introduction to get you started as fast as possible

 Vitor Lory

The speaker, Vitor Lory is Product Manager for Insight, DEIF’s premier remote monitoring and data management solution. With 20 years of experience in the field of on-site power and power rental applications, he combines the knowledge of customer needs with a vision of delivering a flexible remote monitoring and data management solution.

+45 9614 4330 |

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